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Mercury One helps fund first responders meal time through Operation BBQ Relief

Organization commits that 100% of donated funds will go directly to efforts to aid victims


Through its charitable, non-profit organization, Mercury One is actively raising funds to support those impacted by the recent and continued devastation caused by Hurricane Harvey along the Texas coast, Houston area, east Texas and Louisiana. The organization is ensuring that 100 percent of the funding it receives is being provided to six core disaster relief partners, who in turn have pledged 100% of granted funds will directly aid and assist individuals in a number of ways including: search and rescue, basic needs, humanitarian support, food and long-term clean-up and recovery efforts. These partners are CitiImpact, Gleaning for the World, Operation BBQ Relief, Somebody Cares, Team Rubicon, and The Provisions Project.


“Hurricane Harvey is already being deemed one of the most massive and catastrophic events in U.S. history. In keeping with Mercury One’s mission to restore the human spirit, we are taking swift action to address the most immediate needs, while we enable and prepare for the long-term support so desperately needed by millions of people across the region,” said Mercury One Executive Director, Suzanne Grishman. “Our organization and loyal supporters have a rich history of mobilizing resources to have a meaningful impact in dire situations.”


“Such a large number of people in our state are under water and losing their homes and are worried about so much.  I want to thank the donors so much for caring and trusting Mercury One to get funds to those who need it. No matter where you are in the world, we thank you for your prayers and for your donations,” said Mercury One’s Founder, Glenn Beck.


Prior to Hurricane Harvey making landfall, Mercury One had been in contact with its disaster relief partners. Throughout the event, each partner has been in constant communications with Homeland Security, the Office of Emergency Management, and the Texas chapter of the Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (TXVOAD). These organizations are now actively deployed across the region with water, blankets, food, supplies, and volunteers. To learn more about this concerted effort of Mercury One’s partners please visit


Anyone interested in supporting Mercury One’s Hurricane Harvey Relief Effort, please visit


About Mercury One

Founded in 2011 by media personality, entrepreneur, and New York Times best-selling author Glenn Beck, Mercury One was created to inspire the world in the same way the United States’ space program shaped America’s national destiny by setting a goal and committing to reach it knowing that the only limitations to achievement are those we place on ourselves, and by believing in the goodness and power of the individual to overcome any obstacle. The organization stands to restore the human spirit through programs to advance skills, knowledge and attitudes necessary for individuals and communities help themselves with honor through faith, courage through hope, and love through charity as well as assisting our nation’s veterans, providing aid to those in crisis, and rebuilding and restoring the lives of Christians and other persecuted religious minorities.


 Photos: Team Rubicon credit to Somebody Cares. Operation BBQ Relief: Courtesy photo.

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