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Dr. Condoleezza Rice, Roger Gault, President, The Dallas Assembly

The Dallas Assembly’s annual seminar destination this year was San Francisco, Palo Alto and Napa Valley. During the recent trip, the group spent time on the Stanford campus and met with Dr. Condoleezza Rice at the Hoover Institute.

Assembly President Roger C. Gault interviewed Rice, the former National Security Advisor and Secretary of State under President George W. Bush, for an hour before the group. The two discussed her childhood, teaching career at Stanford, time spent as Provost there, current international events and U.S. relations with other countries around the globe.  Former Stanford Board of Trustees Chairman Jim Gaither attended the meeting. 

During the trip, members toured Google offices and met with high-level fund investors of Netflix and other technology firms.  Additionally, meetings were held with executives from Uber, AirBnB and officials from the City of San Francisco.  In Napa, Assembly member Kent Rathbun conducted a cooking demonstration at Cakebread Cellars, and the group also spent time at Assembly members Katherine and Craig Hall’s winery, Hall Napa Valley. 
About The Dallas Assembly:         

The purpose of The Dallas Assembly is to educate and enlighten a diverse group of leaders, and through them, activate the community.         

We are an organization of leaders from Dallas’ business, civic, and nonprofit sectors who are committed to the betterment of the city. The Assembly’s primary agenda is to promote extraordinary programs that enlighten, entertain, and challenge our members while remaining, as whole, unbiased, secular, non-partisan, and progressive.
For additional information about The Dallas Assembly visit the website at call us at (214) 363-3284 or email .

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