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There is a growing need for mental health support during these times as we are all aware. Margery Boucher, MA, MS, LPC-S is answering that call daily. She is the owner of a clinical concierge private practice in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area. She has an office in Park Cities and Southlake and has dedicated almost 20 years to the field of mental health. She is also the Executive Clinical Director for Arise Recovery Centers, an IOP that specializes in treatment for adult substance use disorders. So how is she doing things differently? What is a concierge clinical practice? 

Margery offers customized and collaborative packages within her practice, that included a team of clinical associates. The packages can include therapy (individual, family, couples, child, geriatric), coaching, nutritional education and coaching, social skills training, microcurrent neurofeedback, alpha-stim technology, treatment assessments and placement and more.

She makes herself available to concierge clients outside of regular business hours to support their mental health or crisis needs. She makes house calls and of course offers virtual services. She takes the approach of collaborative care to mental health.  She believes in the pillars of mental, physical, behavioral and spiritual health. We must attend to each of these for a balanced and healthier life. 

For more information or to contact Margery regarding services, visit