Park Cities BubbleLife -
YMCA Adventure Guides: Dads, Kids, Lifelong Memories

The Park Cities YMCA Adventure Guides & Princess program has kicked off for the 2013-2014 school year. New Circles have started to form at local elementary schools with a great group of volunteer dads stepping forward to lead each individual Circle. These leaders help to coordinate monthly meetings for the group as well as prepare them for their YMCA campouts.

Adventure Guides and Princesses is a parent-child program for kids in kindergarten through 2nd grade. Fathers and their children spend uninterrupted time together as members of a larger group, building lifelong memories and bonds. Through activities such as weekend camping trips, games, ceremonies and family adventures, dad and child will create memories that neither will ever forget.

Circle Leader, Matthew Blaylock, participates in the Adventure Guides program with his daughters Isabel, 10, and Gracie, 7. “Getting the chance to spend quality time with your children while they are young enough to still think you’re cool, outside of the daily demands that can consume our focus, is a gift that each parent should allow themselves and their kids,” he said. “I’ve had the pleasure to be involved with the Park Cities Y adventure guides program with both of my daughters and have completely enjoyed every minute of it. Participating has allowed many opportunities for me, as a dad, to connect with my young daughters and actively build good memories together and with our friends.”

The Adventure Guides program is coordinated by Family Programs Director Jeff Hull. Stop by the Y today to register and let the adventure begin!

Monday, 16 September 2013